
Posts Tagged ‘deciding’

brown shoes, looking down


I love a story that President Reagan told showing how he learned the need for decision making early in his life. 

When he was a youngboy a kind aunt took him to have a pair of custom shoes made.  The shoemaker asked him if he wanted his shoes to have square toes or round toes, but Reagan couldn’t seem to make up his mind.

“Come back in a day or two and let me know what you decide,” the shoemaker told him. 

But Reagan didn’t go back. 

When the man saw him on the street and again asked him what kind of shoes he wanted, Reagan said, “I haven’t made up my mind yet.”

“Very well,” the man responded.  “Your shoes will be ready tomorrow.”

When Reagan went to pick them up, he discovered that the toe of one shoe was round and the other was square. 

Reagan later said, “Looking at those shoes taught me a lesson.  If you don’t make your own decisions, somebody else makes them for you.”

Are you going to decide to create positive, memorable experiences, or are you going to let first customer (or member) of the day decide for you? 

Are you going to decide serve those around you, or are you going to let the people around you decide for you?

Decide to construct your character through excellent actions, and become your best self.

Remember Today:  YOU MUST DECIDE!

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