
Posts Tagged ‘distractions’



Think about all the tasks you have to perform at work.  Many of them are repetitive actions you could do with our eyes closed.  However, many of them require a level of attention and concentration higher than usual.  It is important to know when to block out distraction and focus on the task at hand.

Take the lion for example.  Experienced animal trainers take a stool with them when they step into a cage with a lion. 

Why a stool?

Answer:  It tames a lion better than anything – except maybe a tranquilizer gun.  When the trainer holds the stool with the legs extended toward the lion’s face, the animal tries to focus on all four legs at once.  And that paralyzes him. 

Divided focus always works against you. 

There is a Chinese proverb that states: “When you chase two rabbits, both escape.”  Dividing your focus between several tasks will often result in poor performance on one or all of the tasks.  You may even mimic the lion and become paralyzed. 

Focus on the most important and urgent task at hand, complete it, and move on. 



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